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0800 448 0498
Some of the most common questions we are asked about our number plate supplier service
How long does it take?
Providing all the relevant documentation has been provided we will ba able to print your plate within 2 working days.
What documentation do I need?
You can use the following to confirm your name and address:
- driving licence
- utility, Council Tax or rates bill from the last 6 months
- bank or building society statement from the last 6 months
- national identity card
The following will confirm your name only:
- passport – does not have to be issued in the UK
- bank or building society debit or credit card
- police warrant card
- armed forces identity card
Can anyone get number plates made up?
You can only get a number plate made up from a registered number plate supplier.
The supplier will need to see original documents that:
- prove your name and address
- show you’re allowed to use the registration number
Do I need proof I can use the Registration Number I am getting printed?
You must bring one of the following to show you’re allowed to display the registration number:
- vehicle registration certificate (V5C or V5CNI)
- green ‘new keeper’ slip from the V5C or V5CNI
- certificate of entitlement (V750 or V750NI) to the number
- retention document (V778)
- a renewal reminder for vehicle tax or SORN (V11 or V11NI)
- temporary registration certificate (V379 or V379NI)
- a number plate authorisation certificate (V948) with an official stamp from the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA)
- an electronic number plate authorisation certificate (eV948 or eV948/2)
- a letter of authorisation from a fleet operator (including lease or hire company) quoting the document reference number from the registration certificate
- if your fleet is in the new V5C on demand scheme (also called ‘V5C suppression’), a PDF of the vehicle’s details from the view vehicle record service
- UK trailer registration certificate (VTRC)